5 Stats About Push Notifications You Didn’t Know

An image with pink background showing a mobile phone with multiple push notifications popping up on the screen.
Image by FlareLane

Since the revolutionary inception of smartphones in the early 21st century, push notifications have remained a crucial CRM tool embraced by marketers serious about business growth. Their cost-efficiency and ease of use won marketers' hearts, propelling the digital marketing industry full sail ahead.

However, do push notifications still hold the same status as they did more than a decade ago? To satisfy your curiosity, we've done our homework and identified 5 facts based on the most recent statistics that show where push notifications stand today. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Urgency is a virtueespecially in marketing

Black Friday, flash sales, crypto craze—they're proof that FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is everywhere. The A/B test conducted by PCH in 2017 confirmed that using an urgent tone and power words in push notifications can invoke a 30% increase in customer retention. But also remember that clickbait is the reason 55% of users classify push notifications as spam. Get creative, not misleading!

2. Gen-Zs don’t mind a notification or two

Relevancy and personalization matter in push notifications, and they may matter even more for certain generations. Research by McKinsey in 2022 revealed that nearly 70% of Gen-Z prefers to receive relevant updates and deals through push notifications instead of emails. This generation also gravitates towards content that is quick, trendy, and concise, as shown by the recent surge in TikTok. Push notifications excel in delivering such content, aligning seamlessly with Gen-Z preferences.

3. Relevancy over frequency

Your users may be more complex than you realize—they don't appreciate being overwhelmed by intrusive messages, yet they are keen on staying informed about the fantastic handbag they left in their shopping carts. A 2023 report by Business of Apps stated the average smartphone user in the U.S. gets 46 push notifications per day, and 42% change their settings if they feel like they’re getting too many. In today's information overload, keeping user attention remains an important task.

4. Emojis are game changers

Emojis are more than quick tricks to make you look more approachable when texting your crush. In 2023 alone, the use of emojis in mobile and email marketing messages increased by 775%. Using emojis in push notifications has also been proven to boost CTR by as much as 124%.

5. Chrome is the norm

Imagine reaching hundreds and thousands of potential customers directly on their screens, no matter what browser they use. Web push notifications make it possible, and statistics from 2022 show that the classic Google Chrome accounts for over 95% of all web notifications. This overwhelming majority means marketers can ditch the worry of adapting notifications for different browsers and instead focus on optimizing their message for Chrome. 

Final Thoughts

Push notifications continue to be a practical and successful marketing method today. With the recent boom in AI technology, mobile and web push notifications have become more personalized and specific than ever. This surge has fueled a growing demand for automated systems that are user-friendly and don't require developer expertise from marketers.

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