How to Improve Customer Engagement With AI-Powered Push Notifications

How to Improve Customer Engagement With AI-Powered Push Notifications
Image by FlareLane

If you had to pick a keyword that stormed the marketing industry in 2024, that would be AI. Generative AI, in particular, has gained popularity quickly for aiding marketers in producing creative content efficiently, and push notifications were no exception. In today’s article, we’ll explore the benefits and examples of using generative AI to produce engaging push notifications. 

How Is AI Used in Marketing?

Credit: Coca-Cola YouTube channel

AI is making significant contributions to more personalized, creative, and efficient marketing than ever before. The instance of Coca-Cola’s 2023 global ad produced in partnership with OpenAI, a creator of world-renowned generative AI, ChatGPT, shows that AI is not just a one-off tool but an important asset that merges technology with human creativity to create a powerful brand identity. 

Another area in AI that deserves credit in marketing is analytics tools. For example, AI-powered predictive analysis in CRM marketing can now use machine learning and advanced algorithms to predict the timing of customer purchases and estimate Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) more effectively. According to research, companies that have used AI-based customer targeting have seen an increase of 9%-20% in conversion rates and a 13%-31% decrease in churn rates.

But among many cases, generative AI-powered mobile push notifications have garnered considerable attention from marketers as one of the most cost-effective tools that blend customer journeys, content, and data analysis capabilities. So, what results are AI-based app push notifications delivering currently?

Performance of Generative AI-powered Push Notifications 

Generative AI excels in creating personalized push notification messages with rich images and captivating copywriting, also known as Rich Push Notifications, at lightning speed. The importance of image-based messages beyond text has been already proven long ago. According to studies, 90% of the information our brain processes is visual, and posts with images produce 650% higher user engagement than text-only content.

The online travel industry is an excellent example of using visually engaging push notifications to approach their target customers. Thanks to groundbreaking technological developments over the last decade, their push messages now include timely reminders for upcoming trips, check-in details, screenshots of exciting events, unique local cuisine, and panoramic views of tourist areas to elevate the customer experience. 

Using AI in push notifications has another advantage–it significantly saves time and money involved in design while leveraging human creativity simultaneously. For example, Adobe’s new generative AI tool, Firefly, has received positive feedback from designers for editing, cutting, and creating routine artwork so they can spend more time on ideation and strategy. According to a study targeting designers in the U.S. in 2023, 57% of designers believed AI and machine learning would be essential design tools in the future. 

How to Create AI-powered Mobile Push Message

To create AI-based push messages, you must ensure the following: 1. 3-4 Keywords that best represent your content strategy 2. Image generation tool 3. History of previous send history to customers (if applicable) The keywords—we recommend 3 to 4—are required to prompt your AI tool to produce an image and text that best reflects your intention. The data is needed to make your notification selection more efficient before sending them. But you might not have to spend time looking for all 3 of them separately anymore—we have the solution for you. 

Meet Our New Feature: AI Notification Generator

FlareLane’s new generative AI feature

Planning the right push notification messages have always been a time-consuming task for marketers for a long time. But with our latest generative AI feature, marketers can now experience the benefits of a personalized push notification platform.

FlareLane’s new generative AI feature helps you create push notifications promptly and efficiently. You can craft rich web and mobile notifications in seconds and choose the most efficient messages based on your client’s sending history. 

With the introduction of cutting-edge technology, businesses can save even more time and resources when composing rich push notifications. This is one of many first steps for FlareLane to emerge as a trustworthy AI-based CRM platform trusted by aspiring global businesses. 

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