How to Segment and Target Mobile Users With CRM System

How to Segment and Target Mobile Users With CRM System

As of 2023, mobile devices accounted for over 58% of global website traffic, indicating that mobile users represent a significant portion of any business’s audience. For digital marketers aiming to drive business growth, using a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system to segment and target mobile users is essential.

A CRM system allows you to centralize customer data, analyze user behavior, and build targeted marketing campaigns tailored to different segments. In this article, we’ll explore how digital marketers can effectively segment and target mobile users using a CRM system to drive engagement and conversions.

Key Takeaways:

*Mobile users now account for over 58% of global website traffic, making CRM-based segmentation essential for dealing with this vast audience effectively.

*CRM systems allow marketers to segment mobile users based on behaviors such as app usage, location, and device type.

*Using CRM data to drive personalized marketing strategies, like push notifications, improves conversion rates by up to 400%.

The Importance of Targeting Mobile Users

Mobile users behave differently than desktop users. According to research from Google, 53% of mobile site visitors will leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load, and 69% of smartphone users are more likely to buy from companies whose mobile sites or apps allow them to find answers quickly. Understanding and catering to the specific needs and behaviors of mobile users can directly influence your business’s growth.

This is where CRM systems come into play. They provide powerful tools for collecting data on mobile users, segmenting them based on behavior, and delivering targeted messaging that fits their unique needs. With the ability to track how, when, and where mobile users interact with your brand, you can optimize your marketing strategies for better results.

How CRM Systems Help With Mobile User Segmentation

CRM systems collect and store customer data from various touchpoints, including email interactions, website visits, mobile app usage, and more. By leveraging this data, you can segment your audience based on mobile-specific behaviors such as app usage patterns, location, purchase history, and device type. This segmentation allows you to create personalized campaigns tailored to different user groups.

Here are the key ways a CRM system enables mobile user segmentation:

Behavior-Based Segmentation

A CRM system tracks user behavior across different channels, allowing you to create segments based on actions taken on mobile devices. For example, you can group users who frequently interact with your app, those who browse certain product categories on mobile, or those who abandon their shopping carts mid-purchase. This data-driven approach ensures that your marketing messages are relevant to each segment.

For example, Starbucks has been highly successful in leveraging behavior-based segmentation. Using its CRM and mobile app, Starbucks collects data on customer preferences and purchase habits and then targets users with personalized offers. As a result, Starbucks saw a double-digit growth in its rewards membership and a significant boost in repeat purchases from mobile users.

Geolocation and Time-Based Segmentation

CRM systems equipped with geolocation features enable marketers to segment users based on their physical location. For instance, you can send location-based offers or notifications when a user is near one of your retail locations. This strategy is particularly effective for driving foot traffic to brick-and-mortar stores.

Additionally, CRM systems allow you to segment users based on the time of day or day of the week they engage with your mobile content. By sending time-sensitive offers when users are most active on their devices, you can increase engagement and conversion rates. According to eMarketer, 90% of marketers using geolocation data in their campaigns report improved audience engagement, underscoring the value of location-based segmentation.

Device and Platform Segmentation

A CRM system allows you to segment users based on the type of device they use. For instance, you can create separate campaigns for iOS and Android users or target users based on their device screen size. Tailoring your messaging and design to specific devices can significantly improve user experience and conversion rates.

For example, if you know that a large portion of your audience uses smartphones with smaller screens, you can ensure that your emails and landing pages are optimized for mobile viewing. This level of personalization increases the likelihood that users will engage with your content. In a study by Adobe, 67% of users said they are more likely to make a purchase if the website or email is mobile-friendly. This makes mobile-optimized targeting a critical component of successful marketing strategies.

Engagement Level Segmentation

CRM systems can segment mobile users based on their level of engagement with your brand. For example, you can create segments for high-engagement users who frequently interact with your app or emails and low-engagement users who haven’t opened a message in weeks. This allows you to adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.

For high-engagement users, you might offer exclusive discounts or early access to new products, while low-engagement users could receive re-engagement campaigns designed to bring them back into the fold. According to HubSpot, companies that properly nurture leads see a 451% increase in qualified leads, highlighting the importance of segmenting based on engagement levels.

Targeting Mobile Users With CRM-Driven Campaigns

Once you’ve segmented your mobile users, the next step is to create targeted campaigns that speak to the needs and behaviors of each segment. Here are several CRM-driven targeting strategies that can help drive business growth:

Personalized Push Notifications

Push notifications are a powerful tool for re-engaging mobile users, especially when personalized. With a CRM system, you can send personalized push notifications based on user behavior, preferences, and past interactions. For example, if a user frequently browses a certain product category but hasn’t made a purchase, you can send a push notification offering a limited-time discount on those products.

For example, Sephora, a beauty retailer, uses personalized push notifications to drive repeat purchases from mobile users. By leveraging CRM data to target customers with personalized product recommendations and exclusive offers, Sephora has significantly increased mobile engagement and customer retention.

Dynamic Email Campaigns

Email remains one of the most effective channels for targeting mobile users. In fact, 61% of all email opens occur on mobile devices. A CRM system allows you to create dynamic email campaigns tailored to mobile users, adjusting content based on their behavior and engagement level.

For instance, you can send abandoned cart emails to users who added items to their cart but didn’t complete the purchase. Additionally, you can create dynamic content that changes based on the user’s location, device type, or purchase history, making your emails more relevant and engaging. A study by Litmus found that personalized email campaigns can deliver 6x higher transaction rates, underscoring the importance of tailoring emails to specific user segments.

SMS Marketing

SMS marketing has an incredibly high open rate, with 98% of text messages being opened within minutes of receipt. By using CRM data, you can create highly targeted SMS campaigns for mobile users. For example, you could send promotional offers to users based on their location or previous purchases, encouraging them to make a repeat purchase.

For example, Domino’s Pizza uses CRM-driven SMS marketing to target mobile users with personalized offers and promotions. By segmenting users based on their order history and location, Domino’s has seen a significant increase in mobile orders and customer loyalty.

Mobile-Optimized Ads

If your CRM is integrated with ad platforms like Google Ads or Facebook, you can target specific segments of your mobile users with personalized ads. For example, you can create mobile-optimized ads that target users who recently interacted with your app or website but didn’t convert. By delivering relevant ads to the right audience, you can increase the likelihood of conversions. According to Google, mobile ads that are personalized to the user’s behavior and preferences can increase conversion rates by up to 400%.

Best Practices for CRM-Driven Mobile Segmentation and Targeting

To maximize the effectiveness of your CRM segmentation and targeting efforts, follow these best practices:

*Data Privacy Compliance: Ensure that your CRM system is compliant with data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA. Mobile users are particularly sensitive to how their data is used, so transparency is key to building trust.

*Test and Optimize Campaigns: Use A/B testing to continuously optimize your mobile campaigns. Test different messages, timing, and targeting strategies to determine what works best for each segment.

*Mobile-First Design: Ensure that all your content, from emails to ads, is optimized for mobile devices. This includes using responsive design, minimizing load times, and keeping messages concise.

*Monitor Performance Metrics: Use your CRM’s reporting features to track the performance of your mobile segmentation and targeting efforts. Key metrics to monitor include click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and customer lifetime value (CLV).

Final Thoughts

Segmenting and targeting mobile users with a CRM system is not only effective but essential for driving business growth in today’s mobile-first world. By leveraging CRM data to create personalized, relevant campaigns, you can engage mobile users at every stage of the customer journey, increasing conversions and fostering long-term loyalty.

Whether you’re using behavior-based segmentation, geolocation data, or personalized push notifications, a CRM system provides the tools you need to deliver tailored experiences that resonate with mobile users. By following the strategies and best practices outlined in this article, you'll be able to leverage the power of CRM-driven mobile segmentation to drive sustained business growth.

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