Why Building Your Own Push Notifications Service Isn't the Best Idea

An image showing a female software developer under stress and codes written on a wall behind her.
Image: Freepik

DIY is incredibly tempting, especially for new startups that have just discovered how indispensable push notifications are for their marketing strategy.

However, at some point in every startup’s honeymoon phase, a question ariseswhy can't we just build our own push notifications service? It's much cheaper and we just have to assemble a team of experienced developers, conduct rigorous QA tests, and have an independent, reliable system up and running in no time. Does it sound about right?

Not quite. While the idea of complete control may be appealing, there are myriad reasons why it might not be the most practical or cost-effective choice to run your push notifications service in the long run. To help every startup leverage one of the most effective marketing strategies in the 21st century, we'll explore why opting for a push notification service provider could be the optimal solution for your business growth today.

Quick and easy implementation

Implementation takes timea lot of time. Constructing a push notifications service from scratch needs a lot of time for development, testing, and debugging. The process also requires a high level of expertise in areas such as server architecture, security protocols, and compliance with various platforms, which can be burdensome for startups lacking the right professionals or training system.

In the fast-paced world of technology, speed is often of the essence. Incorporating a ready-to-use push notification service, whether cloud-based or a third-party solution, will liberate marketers from the complexities of development and instead allow them to concentrate on their core business activities such as content creation, marketing, promotion, and analytics.

So, if you want to optimize your schedule and be more time-efficient with your growth tactics, contact a push notification services provider and see what their sales associates have to offer. You'll get valuable insights into the technology and receive helpful advice on customer retention and user engagement tactics at no cost, even if you choose not to make a purchase. So have a think about it.

Scalability Without the Hassle

Scalability is about crafting your application to handle significant traffic, even during peak monthly usage periods. While every business owner delights in seeing their Monthly Active Users (MAU) grow, the most important question is— have you considered scalability?

Scalability stands as a pivotal factor for the sustainable use of marketing channels like push notifications, especially for businesses facing unexpected growth. Restricting access to the database during high-usage periods negatively impacts your platform's performance. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure your application remains accessible, even during peak times.

Consider this scenario—your developers might effectively manage 1,000 subscribers with an in-house service. However, can you confidently handle a rapidly growing user base of 200K a month with just a handful of developers? Doubtful.

There’s a straightforward alternative: outsourcing a team of experts at an affordable monthly subscription fee. Push notification services are purposefully designed with scalability in mind, allowing your marketers to effortlessly manage an increasing number of users without requiring any development knowledge.

Save Costs with Personalization

Cost is the primary factor causing many startups to contemplate running their push notifications services. However, before making a decision, you need to first think about the main factor that drives cost-efficiency in your push notifications. If we had to choose just one, we'd opt for personalization.

As your user traffic reaches a certain volume, in-house teams often find it challenging to personalize and segment notifications. This difficulty leads to reduced cost-efficiency and uncertain Return on Investment (ROI). In the realm of marketing in 2024, a golden rule stands out: personalization. A recent study has shed light on this: 76% of users express frustration when they don't encounter personalized interactions from companies.

In the long run, prioritizing personalization significantly reduces campaign costs. Push notification services can offer you a sophisticated, seamless personalization system essential for making your business more profitable. When evaluating the economics, the choice between building and buying becomes clear, with subscribing to pre-built solutions tailored to your business needs offering a more financially sound option in the long run.

Final Thoughts

An image of a laptop that says 'Done' on the screen.
Image: Freepik

The decision to build a push notifications service in-house should be weighed against the benefits offered by pre-built solutions. Speed, scalability, and cost-effectiveness are pivotal considerations in this evaluation. While the idea of an ‘in-house’ solution may be tempting, the practicality of leveraging existing services often outweighs the advantages of a DIY approach.

By choosing a pre-built push notifications service, you empower your business to focus on innovation, user engagement, and core competencies rather than getting bogged down in the complexities of development.

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